Acoustic Neuroma Association
600 Peachtree Parkway
Suite 108
Cumming, GA 30041

Acoustic Neuroma Patient Stories

Read stories from the ANA community and share your own acoustic neuroma story to help inspire others.

Two Opinions: One Decision
Thomas Sattler, MD

In 1989, I noticed that the dial tone on my phone was not the same pitch in each ear despite perfect hearing. I saw an ENT who did the standard hearing and balance tests, all of which were normal. However, an MRI revealed a 1.0 cm acoustic neuroma. It also revealed a second benign brain tumor, a meningioma. Because meningiomas frequently require no treatment, I was advised to watch the meningioma but decide what I wanted to do about the AN.

Giving Back to Change the World
Jennifer Miller

What started as a “life event” turned into a “life journey” rather quickly. I have always been active but when I started college I found my passion for running. While running I started to notice my headphones were not working on the right side. I bought a few new pairs, and the same thing kept happening, I soon realized the headphones were not the problem. 

Reach Out

To connect with any of the patients featured, please contact ANA at 678-331-5369 or email

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