Acoustic Neuroma Association
600 Peachtree Parkway
Suite 108
Cumming, GA 30041

Most people are familiar with the vision measurement of 20/20. It indicates that you can see at 20 feet what a person with normal eyesight can see at 20 feet. What if hearing could be described in a similar manner?

A new public health campaign, Hearing 20/20, has been launched to tackle this issue. The current terminology of "mild" or "profound" hearing loss are vague at best. But hearing is much more complex than vision. Can it be described in such simple language? Highlighting the importance of hearing care and finding terminology that can more adequately describe hearing loss are surely worth the effort.

Read about the campaign here.

Read a discussion of the pros and cons here

  • Nick and Meredith
  • North Florida Support Group
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