Acoustic Neuroma Association
600 Peachtree Parkway
Suite 108
Cumming, GA 30041

Thank You to ANA Volunteers for Making a Difference in 2020!

ANA volunteers do amazing things. They set up fundraising events, write newsletter articles, facilitate Zoom meetings, provide patient and caregiver support, moderate social media pages and the discussion forum, serve on our board of directors, present during patient events and so much more! They make the people who interact with them think, “I want to do that.” They reach out and educate others, or they reach inward and work towards a personal goal. No matter the capacity in which they serve, one thing is clear - our volunteer community is amazing!


While ANA continues to push forward, we realize we can only do that with the ongoing participation of our incredible volunteers. During this holiday season, it seems more than appropriate to express gratitude to each volunteer for their continued support.

This year has taken a toll on all of us in some capacity. We made it through most of 2020, but COVID-19 is still prevalent in all aspects of our lives. Somehow, we have adapted to these changes and our extensive volunteer network has continued to serve our community in impactful ways. To find out more about our dedicated volunteers, read our year-end recap. We are grateful to all of them! Here's to 2021!

ANA Virtual Patient Education Event

While we were disappointed that we were not able to meet in person, we were thrilled to be able to present our first ever Virtual Patient Education Event with The UT Southwestern Peter O'Donnell Jr. Brain Institute.

Thanks to the Dallas/Fort Worth volunteers that participated, including a wonderful introduction message from Support Group Leader, Betsy Poer.

Thanks also to Support Group Leader Linda Dorasami and members of the DFW support group for sharing their stories and how their involvement with the ANA support group has provided local networking opportunities and connection in addition to coping with ongoing issues.

"It was great to attend an all-day national conference in my own home. Questions answered in real time was very helpful."

"Thank you to everyone involved in organizing and presenting this extremely useful patient education event. This is the first such ANA event I've been able to attend, and I got a lot out of it. I hope future events will be virtual, or will have the possibility to attend virtually."

Board of Directors

ANA's National Board of Directors consists of patients and caregivers. Each director brings their individual talents and professional expertise to this dynamic team, in order to provide strategic oversight and oversee key initiatives.

Board meetings looked a little different this year, but that didn’t keep this exceptional leadership team from moving forward to advance projects and serve on various committees utilizing virtual platforms to stay connected. 

We extend a special thank you to each board director in ensuring that the organization and staff continued our programs and services uninterrupted during the pandemic. We are immensely grateful for their skills and dedication.

ANA is seeking exceptional volunteers to serve on our Board, specifically with legal, financial or project management skills. For more information, contact us.

Discussion Forum and Social Media Moderators

Our five-person team of moderators work behind the scenes on our popular online Discussion Forum and a three-person team of moderators facilitate our closed Young Adult Facebook group.  They coordinate across time zones to keep the forum and Facebook group running smoothly while providing timely responses and online support.

Each moderator works to ensure that users have a great experience and find these online support groups helpful resources and a caring space for all. These are great places to share your concerns and questions, celebrate successes and encourage others in various stages of their journey.

"Thanks to the forum and its members, I've found a lot of useful information and much needed motivation to keep me going."

Nationwide Network of Support Groups and Virtual Volunteers

Fortunately, we were able to schedule several in-person support groups pre-pandemic, but we quickly moved to a virtual format in March. Thanks to our volunteers for being so flexible during this transition.  This year, volunteers hosted over 90 support group meetings.

We will continue to offer virtual support group meetings for the foreseeable future.  These are a great option providing a variety of opportunities at flexible days and times, regardless of geographical location. This year, we added online support groups for Young Adults, Caregivers and Musicians with AN.

View a complete list of support groups or browse our upcoming events to attend a meeting soon.

"Thank you — this was my first meeting. I learned so much and I am most grateful that the Support Group Leader took my call after the session to answer some questions I had."

Peer Mentor Program - One-on-One Support

Peer mentors understand the value of sharing their experience with others. They connect on a very personal level throughout the many stages of acoustic neuroma diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

When you are trying to sort out all the unknowns, need encouragement or support, or perhaps want to talk to someone who's "been there," our peer mentors are available. Anyone affected by AN can contact them via email, phone or video chat.

We extend our sincere appreciation to our 50 peer mentors and would be glad to connect you with one or more of these wonderful volunteers. We can make recommendations to those with a similar experience. Please contact us to get started.

"It is really nice to be able to talk to people who are going through the same things as I am."

Storytelling Volunteers

We received several incredible stories this year and extend our thanks to those that shared their personal journey for the benefit of others. Each story was unique and meaningful, providing insight to personal and physical struggles and successes and setbacks that only others affected by AN can understand. Stories appear in our newsletter, website or social media and present a wide range of individual experiences.  To submit your story, contact us.


Volunteers who increase awareness of acoustic neuroma while raising funds are considered members of Team ANA.

We would like to thank our 2020 Team ANA members that organized fundraisers or participated in events to support the ANA!

We are truly appreciative of the extra effort these dedicated volunteers take to ensure ANA remains a resource for all individuals impacted by acoustic neuroma.

If you are interested in fundraising, visit our Team ANA page to learn more.

Visit our Volunteer Opportunities page for more information.

  • Minnesota Support Group Meeting
  • ANA Board Members at UC Patient Event
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