Event Calendar
Oscillopsia is a visual disturbance in which objects in the visual field appear to oscillate. The severity of the effect varies from mild blurring to rapid and periodic jumping. Oscillopsia is a condition that may be experienced by some acoustic neuroma patients. The discussion will be facilitated by post-treatment AN patients with oscillopsia.
Caring, Sharing, Networking and Support
Family members, caregivers, friends, and interested persons are welcome to attend. Virtual group meetings provide a nurturing, non-judgmental environment with individuals who have shared acoustic neuroma experiences along with educational opportunities and emotional support and encouragement throughout all stages of the AN journey.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
7:00 p.m. ET
Space is limited, sign up soon.
Questions or more information:
Elizabeth Kauermann, Support Group Leader
Melanie Hutchins, ANA Manager of Volunteer Programs and Publications
Note: In no case does ANA endorse any commercial product, physician, surgeon, medical procedure, medical institution or its staff.