Please mark your calendars and join us for the next ANA Tucson Support Group meeting. We look forward to welcoming you. Bring your questions and join peers for networking time, information and support.
Assistive Listening Devices - Information and Demonstration
Presented by Tucson Adult Loss of Hearing Association (ALOHA)
Support groups provide a nurturing environment for individuals to share information on acoustic neuroma, educational opportunities for patients and caregivers, and support for peers on their AN journey. Meetings are open to family members, caregivers, friends, and interested persons.
Snacks will be provided, but you are welcome to bring a sack lunch.
The meeting will be facilitated by Tricia Jennings and Carol Franklin, post-treatment acoustic neuroma patients.
Note New Meeting Day
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
12:00 - 2:00 PM
Note New Meeting Location
ALOHA (Adult Loss of Hearing Association)
4001 E. Fort Lowell Road
Tucson AZ 85712
RSVP or learn more
Tricia Jennings, Support Group Leader
Phone: 520-825-9845 or E-mail: azchipster@gmail.com
Carol Franklin, Support Group Leader
Phone 520-722-8340 or Email: lefsequeen53@gmail.com
Note: In no case does ANA endorse any commercial product, physician, surgeon, medical procedure, medical institution or its staff.