Acoustic Neuroma Association
600 Peachtree Parkway
Suite 108
Cumming, GA 30041

Upcoming Acoustic Neuroma Events

Upcoming events and support group meetings for the acoustic neuroma community, including the annual ANAwareness Week.

Our Support Group meetings are free and open to anyone affected by acoustic neuroma. We offer a variety of opportunities including in-person and virtual meetings, healthcare provider presentations, supportive group discussions, as well as topic-specific specialty groups. Check this page often for the latest updates and please contact us if we can be of assistance.

A note about virtual meetings: anyone may participate, no matter your location.
To register for a meeting and view meeting information, click on the Event Title below.
Want to receive email updates about meetings and events? Join our mailing list. 

Click here to view in calendar format. 

Webinar - Communication with Your Doctor When Considering AN Treatment Options - What to Expect and What You Deserve
Wednesday, December 09, 2020, 3:00PM

ANA members are invited to attend:

"Communication with Your Doctor When Considering AN Treatment Options - What to Expect and What You Deserve"

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

3:00 pm ET, 12:00 pm PT

Speaker: Dr. Randall Porter, Neurosurgeon, Barrow Neurological Institute

During this webinar, Dr. Porter will discuss key issues when deciding on AN treatment. He will also clarify the risks of treatment and observation of different sized acoustic neuromas and educate patients and family members on what to ask in their treatment consultations. This is a great webinar for patients who are observing their tumors or who have not made a treatment decision. Our webinars are a member benefit.

Become A Member of ANA

Webinar FAQs

Q: Can I participate from anywhere?
A: Yes. All you need is a good internet connection (good enough to watch a YouTube video, for example) and the link in your confirmation email. It should be noted that some places of business have firewalls that prevent employees from accessing this type of event. If that happens, the webinar will be accessible as a recording and available on the ANA website.

Q: How long will the presentation be?
A: The actual presentation will last approximately 30-35 minutes following a short introduction.  After that, we'll do a Q&A session lasting about 20 minutes. The entire webinar will last one hour.

Q: Will the presentation be recorded?
A: Yes, ANA members who cannot attend will be able to access a recorded version (audio and slides) on the ANA website about one-week after the presentation. That recording can be viewed at any time. 

Q: How do I ask questions?
A: You can send them to before the presentation or use the chat feature on your webinar dashboard, which will be active once you sign into the webinar, to ask questions during the webinar.


Location Online
Member Webinar
  • Karla of NC visiting Michigan
  • Linda, Dr. Isaacson and Betsy at the Dallas Support Group Meeting
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