Acoustic Neuroma Association
600 Peachtree Parkway
Suite 108
Cumming, GA 30041

Upcoming Acoustic Neuroma Events

Upcoming events and support group meetings for the acoustic neuroma community, including the annual ANAwareness Week.

Our Support Group meetings are free and open to anyone affected by acoustic neuroma. We offer a variety of opportunities including in-person and virtual meetings, healthcare provider presentations, supportive group discussions, as well as topic-specific specialty groups. Check this page often for the latest updates and please contact us if we can be of assistance.

A note about virtual meetings: anyone may participate, no matter your location.
To register for a meeting and view meeting information, click on the Event Title below.
Want to receive email updates about meetings and events? Join our mailing list. 

Click here to view in calendar format. 

Young Adult - ANA Virtual Support Group Meeting
Wednesday, February 09, 2022, 7:00PM


This is a special meeting hosted by the Young Adult support group. Exercise instructor Kari Langkamp, will lead a live Balanced Flow exercise class. Register now to receive a confirmation email with a link to join and more information.

Space is limited, register now.

Balanced Flow , presented by Kari Langkamp, exercise instructor

Balanced Flow is a fusion of movements blended to improve your balance, all while enjoying fun music. The class is excellent for all ability levels - whether you need to hold onto a chair for balance or do yoga daily.  Kari incorporates a variety of genres of movement including dance, yoga, and functional exercises. Participate at your own risk. Dress with mobility in mind in a safe space. You are welcome to use a chair if necessary. 

Emily Truell yoga 2022The ANA Young Adult support group leader, Emily Truell, participates in these classes and can answer any questions you may have before the meeting.  Contact Emily at 920.229.5201 or for more information.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022
7:00 p.m. CT

Questions or more information:
Emily Truell, Facilitator
Call 920-229-5201 or email

Melanie Hutchins
ANA Manager of Volunteer Programs
Call 770-205-8211 or email

Join our closed Facebook group: Young Adult AN Group

Note: In no case does ANA endorse any commercial product, physician, surgeon, medical procedure, medical institution or its staff.

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Location Online
Balanced Flow *Registration required*
  • ANA Board Members at UC Patient Event
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