Please join us for our upcoming Facebook Live event.
"A Conversation with Dr. Marc Schwartz and Dr. Rick Friedman"
Facebook Live event - to view the live event you must have a Facebook account.
Monday, December 3, 2018
2:30 pm ET, 1:30 pm CT, 12:30 pm MT, 11:30 am PT
ANA Director, Allison Feldman will talk to Dr. Marc Schwartz and Dr. Rick Friedman of the UC San Diego Health Acoustic Neuroma Program about AN treatment using the middle fossa approach for hearing preservation as well as treatment of post-radiation tumor growth. Please plan to join us for this important discussion.
Rick Friedman, MD, PhD, is a neurotologist and expert on acoustic neuroma and related disorders. He has treated over 1,000 patients for the condition. His research on the genetics of common forms of hearing loss is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Marc Schwartz, MD, is a neurosurgeon and expert on treatment of acoustic neuroma, skull base tumors and NF2. He has treated over 2,000 patients for acoustic neuroma and is one of the leading neurosurgeons in the field of auditory brainstem implants.
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