Acoustic Neuroma Association
600 Peachtree Parkway
Suite 108
Cumming, GA 30041


How are acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas) diagnosed?
The diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma is often triggered by a patient’s symptoms. The most common presenting feature of acoustic neuromas, occurring in 90% of patients, is unilateral hearing loss. When "pure tone audiometry" is used, the most common finding is high frequency hearing loss. The hearing loss is progressive in most patients, but in approximately 12% of patients the hearing loss may occur suddenly. Other symptoms of the acoustic neuroma include asymmetric tinnitus (ringing in the ear, occurring in 80% of patients), dizziness, and disequilibrium (difficulty with balance). These symptoms will often prompt a doctor to order a hearing test, called an audiogram. If the hearing  test confirms that one ear has more hearing loss than the other, then a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the head is typically ordered. Early diagnosis offers the best opportunity for successful treatment.

Diagnosis involves:

  • Hearing test (audiometry): A test of hearing function, which measures how well the patient hears sounds and speech, is usually the first test performed to diagnose acoustic neuroma. The patient listens to sounds and speech while wearing earphones attached to a machine that records responses and measures hearing function. The audiogram may show increased "pure tone average" (PTA), increased "speech reception threshold" (SRT) and decreased "speech discrimination" (SD).
  • Brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER): Historically, this test was performed in some patients to provide information on brain wave activity as a response to clicks or tones. The patient listens to these sounds while wearing electrodes on the scalp and earlobes and earphones. The electrodes pick up and record the brain's response to these sounds, but these tests have been shown to be less accurate in diagnosing acoustic neuromas than MRI.
  • Scans of the head: If other tests show that the patient may have acoustic neuroma, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to confirm the diagnosis. MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves, rather than x-rays, and computers to create detailed pictures of the brain. It shows visual “slices” of the brain that can be combined to create a three-dimensional picture of the tumor. A contrast dye is injected into the patient. If an acoustic neuroma is present, the tumor will soak up more dye than normal brain tissue and appear clearly on the scan. The MRI commonly shows a densely "enhancing" (bright) tumor in the internal auditory canal. If the patient is unable to get an MRI, a computed tomography (CT) scan may be ordered instead.
  • Because MRI and CT scans of the head are often ordered for many different conditions, in some cases, acoustic neuromas are discovered  incidentally.


Caregiver Resources

Caregiver Information Sheet

Caregiving Link
Online discussion group, videos, articles, free online tools including care cost calculator.

American Brain Tumor Association
Care and Support Link/Caregiver Resources
Living and Coping e-newsletter, online support, and links to additional resources including organizations that provide financial assistance and transportation assistance. Orientation to Caregiving, download the pdf handbook for family caregivers.

Caregiver Action Network
Provides education, peer support, and resources for family caregivers. Family caregiving toolbox provides a great selection of links and resources to helpful organizations. A peer network provides access to volunteers across the U.S. who are current and former caregivers and can help provide information and support.

Provides free websites to connect people experiencing a significant health challenge to family and friends. Websites are easy to create and use. Authors add health updates and photos to share their stories while friends and visitors can leave messages in the guestbook.

Family Caregiver Alliance
Caregiver discussion group, tips, FAQs, fact sheets, resource listing by state, information available in other languages, and detailed listing of practical tools and resources for caregivers.

Lotsa Helping Hands
Provides free tools, resources, an online community, webinars, a monthly newsletter, and a resource directory.

National Alliance for Caregiving
NAC is dedicated to improving the quality of life for friend and family caregivers and those in their care, by advancing research, advocacy, and innovation.

National Brain Tumor Society
Resources and Support Link
Caregiver training, support groups, workshops, interactive online community, Link Library, tip sheets, how-to-guides.

Today´s Caregiver
Today´s Caregiver magazine, local resources, e-newsletter, discussion forum, Caretips, Fearless Caregiver conferences.

WellSpouse Association
Respite weekends, support groups, online forum, quarterly newsletter, e-newsletter, resource directory.

The Acoustic Neuroma Association® does not endorse any of the organizations listed above or any commercial product, physician, surgeon, medical procedure, medical institution or its staff.


Have you thought about fundraising for the Acoustic Neuroma Association, but don't know how? Join Team ANA! Team ANA members are volunteers who increase awareness of acoustic neuroma while raising funds to support the efforts of the ANA. They also challenge themselves and encourage others as they set and reach meaningful personal goals. 

Approximately 3,000 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma each year. These diagnoses affect patients along with their families, friends, and co-workers - anyone who supports them. Team ANA exists to give supporters a way to make a meaningful difference in the AN community. It's also an opportunity to support the ANA as it works to establish future programming for those not yet diagnosed. Read more about how your contribution makes an impact.

If you are interested in fundraising for the ANA, contact us for help. We can discuss ideas and help you with ways to let others know about your event. 

Ways You Can Raise Funds

Below are a few ways you can fundraise for the Acoustic Neuroma Association. We have Team ANA graphics and merchandise available to anyone who wants to use them.

  • Ask friends and family to sponsor you as you run or walk in a 5K, half marathon, or marathon.
  • Request donations in honor of a birthday, ANniversary, or GivingTuesday by hosting a Facebook fundraiser. 
  • Host a walk and t-shirt sale.
  • Collect items to raffle or auction and donate the proceeds. 

Get Started

We've made it easy for you to get started as a TEAM ANA member:

  • Download our Fundraising Guide - it's full of tips to help you run a successful fundraiser and reach your goals.
  • Visit our Facebook page to set up an online fundraiser for your birthday, ANniversary, or milestone.

Caregiver Overview

As a caregiver of an individual with acoustic neuroma, we want you to be informed, educated, and supported. Being a caregiver can be a challenging role. A person diagnosed with acoustic neuroma may experience side effects that may impact their quality of life. While side effects may or may not improve with treatment, caregivers are essential to help patients navigate the many steps of the AN journey. You are not alone, and we encourage you to take advantage of our caregiver resources.

Caregiver Virtual Support Group
Meets several times a year. Moderated by ANA Peer Mentors.

Peer Mentor Program
The ANA provides access to quality Peer Mentors, several are acoustic neuroma caregivers. Connect with a mentor for one-on-one support.

Caregivers Resources

Dealing with the New Normal Tips and Suggestions for Coping

Caregiver Tips:

  • Take care of your own physical and mental health needs. You've probably heard this before, ”You can't take care of someone else if you don't take care of yourself.” Be aware of your stress levels, take breaks, exercise, and talk to a friend. Only you know what works best for you.

  • Ask for help! We all have our limitations, be aware of your strengths and abilities. When people offer to help, accept the offer – caregiving is definitely more than a one person job.

  • Be flexible. You will encounter situations where you may have to re-evaluate your needs and priorities. Things you did in the past may have to be looked at in new ways and new strategies developed to help you accomplish your tasks and manage your new responsibilities.

  • Educate yourself about your loved one's condition. This will help you better communicate with medical health professionals and other health care providers about treatment and care.

  • Seek resources. Ask yourself, ”What people/organizations/information will make my caregiving easier/better?” Be specific and selective about the resources you need. See Caregivers Resources for useful tools for caregivers to utilize in finding additional information and support.

Connect with us:
Manager, Volunteer Programs

Ways to Give

Online Donations

Make a one-time or monthly donation to the ANA. Our monthly donors have an ongoing impact on the work we do every day. As a thank you for your constant support, we will send our quarterly newsletter so you can stay up to date on what is happening at the ANA.

For more information about our Monthly Donor Program or for assistance with making any donation, please contact our office at 678-968-4705.

Matching Gifts


If your company is not listed, you can always reach out to your company’s human resources department to see how they may match gifts. Questions? Please contact Matthew Balte at

Mail Your Donations

You can mail a check payable to the Acoustic Neuroma Association.

Acoustic Neuroma Association
2555 Northwinds Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30009

Team ANA - Fundraise for the ANA

Individuals who increase awareness of acoustic neuroma while raising funds for the Acoustic Neuroma Association are considered members of Team ANA. Join Team ANA and create your own fundraisers through Facebook, Walk4Hearing, or any individual fundraiser held locally.

For more information about starting a fundraiser, please contact Matthew Balte at

Payroll Deduction

Payroll deduction is an easy and efficient way to make a tax-deductible donation to the ANA through payroll contributions.

  • Annual Giving - Annual Giving campaigns take place each year and use payroll deductions to make contributions to the ANA. Popular campaigns include the United Way and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). For the CFC, simply check the box on your CFC Payroll Deduction Authorization Form to help the ANA. The agency code for the ANA is 10001.
Gift of Stock

An electronic transfer of stock to the Acoustic Neuroma Association can be made by directing the transfer to:
LPL Financial
DTC# 0075
Acoustic Neuroma Association -- Account # 2661-5759
Note: When transferring stock electronically, please notify the Acoustic Neuroma Association with a phone call, e-mail, or a copy of the letter of instruction to the broker.

Planned Giving

When you include a gift to the ANA in your estate plans, you join a group of distinguished supporters who are ensuring that the ANA continues to be a resource for individuals with acoustic neuroma. Learn more about joining our Legacy Society by contacting Matthew Balte at 678-968-4705 or

Giving Partners
  • GoodshopGoodshop is an online coupon site that gives a portion of its proceeds to charity. Choose Acoustic Neuroma Association as your charity to support and get discounts at your favorite sites.
  • DeafmetalUSA - Deafmetal is a jewelry company that designs jewelry for hearing devices. Use code ANA20 for 20% off of your order, and they will in turn donate a portion of their proceeds back to the ANA.
Become a Sponsor

A sponsorship with the ANA is a great way to amplify your brand in the acoustic neuroma community while reaching measureable goals. Contact Matthew Balte at 678-968-4705 or to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.



  • A young ANA supporter
  • Molly Sounds Off for AN
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